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- Create Date 31/01/2020
- Last Updated 31/01/2020
We have read "To One That Feels" in Thai and appreciated
the direct honest approach of the way Luangpor Teean taught.
The book allows us to understand the simplicity of insight
meditation as it is. It gives us the idea that it is easy and
approachable and can be tried and proved by ourself to
reduce or eliminate suffering. It is all around us, and as a
matter of fact it is the knowledge for humanity discovered
by Lord Buddha.
Then there is a need to share this easy approach to a
universal teaching with our friends worldwide. We have learned
that this book was originally an English-language compilation
and translation, and that it was later translated into Thai and
became one of the most popular and most often reprinted of
the books of Luangpor Teean's teaching in Thai.
The original English edition was published in Bangkok
in 1984, and a second edition, revised and expanded, was
published in 1993 in the USA. However, no more copies are
So we see this as an opportunity to reprint a third
edition. All of the contents have been kept as in the second
edition, which is regarded by Ven. Bhikkhu Nirodho, the
co-compiler, editor and translator, as the definitive version
of this book. The layout has been modified.
We thank the Luangpor Teean Foundation for granting
us permission to re-publish this book, and all of the working
group and publishing donors. 3,000 copies of this book are
being printed.
As Luangpor Teean said, "Reading the book can only
guide you. To really know, one needs to practice and develop sati"
We do encourage you to find the truth of life and be suffering free
through your own body and mind.
วัดสนามใน 27 หมู่ 4 ต.วัดชลอ อ.บางกรวย จ.นนทบุรี 11130 โทรศัพท์: 02-0094853 โทรสาร: 02-8837275 มือถือ: 0875756275 info.watsanamnai@gmail.com